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Slain when Arthas took over the Capital.

His undead brain was left in a jar tucked in a dark forgotten corner of the Undercity after Arthas' Scourge went to Northrend. A Necromancer must've wanted to experiment? It will never be truly known.

For 5 years his brain lay undisturbed.

It was beyond confusing. It almost felt timeless. At some point the brain was no longer bound to the Lich King. This only added to the confusion.

As just a brain there was no normal senses to be had. He experienced a sequence of various visions and portents. It was during this time that truly Thorek began to feel the balance of Light & Shadow.

At long last his brain was discovered by the Royal Apothecary Society and was placed into a new body.

Thorek knows little of his body's former life other than he was a member of the Scarlet Crusade named "Craigory"

In life he knew young members of the Cult of the Damned. The Cult taught him many truths of the world. Whether it be the unacceptable levels of corruption within the Alliance's nobility or tales of how Demons tricked Draenor's Elemental Spirits. How the Warlocks changed Draenor to be unable to sustain life, replacing the Shaman and transforming the Orcs into an invasion force.

These eye-opening truths lead him to respect and sympathize with Thrall the Gladiator turned Shaman/Warchief during his campaign to free the Orcs.

As he was just a brain in a jar from when Arthas sacked Capital City until very recently Thorek is still adjusting to the changes of the world since his death. For example he barely understands anything about Kalimdor. He wants to learn, though.

He feels regret for not standing up to the Cult or doing more to prevent them from gaining power when he was alive.
